Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I've gotta say it.

Utah is better than California. Well at least for 4th of July weekend.
I probably had one of the most memorable holiday weekends and honestly, it wasn't what I did but everything about it. The people, the events, the food, the fireworks, the conversations. It was all just so...hmm...what's the word...MAGICAL. (Ps...this is my word for Summer 2010...thank you A-Hett)
Friday it started off with the Oakley Rodeo and Dairy Keen. A group of counselors and I drove up there, got some milkshakes, french fries, and chicken strips (yes, All-American babyyy) and then went to the rodeo, cowboy boots, hats, and all.
You honestly aren't a true American until you've seen a rodeo. What an experience.
Then Saturday was just perfect. Started off with a mall excursion, Costco adventure, long run, and then STADIUM OF FIRE. Of course there are details about every one of these ordeals but let me just say this: I love my friends and I love my brother.
Sunday we celebrated with a bbq, walk, and late night drive.
So yeah, magical. Love my life.


  1. umm you are hooottttt and tan! love you baby che!

  2. Sounds like fun!! you ARE tan!! but honey, as much as i miss college life right now, i don't know if i can say utah is better than california. but utah does have its strong points!
