Sunday, March 13, 2011

Big Two Oh

This is really weird but I am OBSESSED with this blog!

She blogs every day and lists out her workouts and plans for the day.
I think I may try to do this to make myself accountable. So here goes.
Tomorrow: BIG TWO OH.
I'm breaking the twenty mile mark. I think I may be a little behind in my training
but if I get a good time tomorrow I will feel pretty set:)
Boston is so so soon- I can not WAIT.
I will be back tomorrow with a full report.


  1. I would love if you did this!! It would help motivate me! Good luck!

  2. Oh this is lauren... who knows why it says trent

  3. I would love to hear your plans for each and everyday :) YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Boston in a month!
