Wednesday, March 23, 2011

In moderation?

I can be really self-disciplined when it comes to different things.
I can stick to a workout schedule or a diet. I can commit to a project or
job. I like setting goals and working towards them.
That being said- I am definitely not a girl of moderation. I simply have not been
able to live my life that way with anything.
Hey, if I like it then I like it...and I'm gonna do alot of it.
Take running for example. Once I got into it, 5 miles a day wasn't enough. Hence marathons.
Unfortunately, this is the case with food.
Yesterday I singlehandedly ate half a box of crackers. Who does that?

And just last week I polished off this baby. I had given up desserts for the marathon and had my one rule breaking night. Don't worry- it was a "Gotta Have It".
Like I said, go big or go home.

So here is what I decided I have to do in order to get ready for the big day...(Boston that is...)
Back to no desserts.
And adding no peanut butter and no crackers.
Not that these are bad things, but a half jar and half box are. As much as I hate to admit it.
So here it goes. You best believe April 19th is going to be filled with a pint of Ben and Jerry's with my mom. Too bad they don't have Fenton's in Boston.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky me! I don't have to run 26.2 miles to share the Ben and Jerry's :)
