Thursday, March 24, 2011

Call me irresponsible.

This blog is being posted on special request for Alix Darby. Enjoy babygirl:)

Alix asked me a couple weeks ago to write a post about being carefree in love. Hmmm I wonder why she asked yours truly?
Needless to say, it is not hard for me to fall in love ONCE I am committed. The latter takes awhile but falling in love is the easiest thing for me.
I was thinking about this on my run while being serenaded by Michael Buble (ps...BEST way to run...) and I listened to the lyrics of Call Me Irresponsible.

So, call me unpredictable
Tell me I'm impractical
Rainbows, I'm inclined to pursue

I love love. I love the way it changes people not only during the actualy "falling in love" stage but also after.

Take scenario number one: Two people fall in love and are the happiest they have ever been...then issues get in the way and they break up. It is unbelievable the change that occurs when someone is growing from a past relationship and the preparation it gives them for the next one. Although moving on sucks, acknowledging the growth and progress of yourself is essential to getting better and being grateful for the hurt.

Take scenario number two: Two people fall in love and are the happiest they have ever been...then they decide they are both ready for the stage in their life to "settle down". Marriage and long term relationships are hard, but the happiness that can come from a successful marriage is crazy!

Couple example:

My brother got married in December to the beautiful Keri Decker. They dated for a year, and although all couples have their problems, they were extremely happy.
Living with them in Provo after their marriage has shown me that marriage (especially newlyweds) have the life. They are even happier than before because the commitment is there and the deal is sealed. Now they are just two love birds setting up their lives together.

Couple Example #2:

The Hodgson's have been my idolized couple since I was a Miamaid, they dance at Stake Dances while chaperoning and enjoy EVERY minute they are together. They look at eachother googly-eyed during the sacrament, they hold hands EVERYWHERE, and they speak so highly of eachother knowing that they are lucky for finding one another.

As young people, we hear that we have a false sense of what love is or how a marriage should be. We have been brainwashed by Hollywood.
I would like to counter that argument: why can't we be optimistic? I have seen REAL LIFE happy couples and although I acknowledge the fact that they have their struggles and rollercoasters within their marriage, happily married couples with succesful marriages are the happiest people on the earth. So I say keep the optimism.

I would like to close with this:

Aren't they just the cutest couple EVER ;)